Sunday 20 September 2015

Dearly De-parted

I know it's awful. This is what I saw in the mirror this morning.

No, I'm not going bald (on top of everything else!). That is my "skunk stripe".

In a way, I'm pleased. It's started. In another way, you can see just how much contrast there is between my dark, dyed hair and the real colour.

So I need to get experimenting.

The first step, I think, is to get rid of the parting. That's just highlighting The Area. So I've tried a couple of styles today all related to pulling the hair back.

Curly hair is different to straight hair. You can't play with it. If you touch it too much, move it this way and that, try new things all at one go you end up looking like a poodle. It gets frizzy, the curls break down, the shine disappears and it's impossible to do anything with it. The only way to get it back to some kind of defined curl is to wet it and start again.

So when I got out of the shower today I brushed it back, rather than in to a side parting, and put it roughly where I thought I would want it. I let it dry naturally with a little curl defining spray on it. While wet, I twirled the curls in my fingers so that they formed loose ringlets and let it dry.

When it was nearly dry I experimented with a hair band but it was too tight. I need to get something looser otherwise my head looks too flat!

Instead I clipped a chunk of hair back loosely. You can see a few whisps of grey on the temples and around the hairline. But I don't mind that.
I've also piled on the make up. I don't want to look or feel like I've let myself go or that I don't care how I look.

If there is time today I'm going to buy some bits for my hair - clips, hair bands, scarves - so I can try new styles as the grey gets longer than I've let it get before.

I've also ordered some products recommended by Lauren at How Bourgeois for covering grey when you've got a special event. I will review those too and let you know how they work with curls.

So that's me for today. More soon!


  1. \(^-^)/ Hi Blaire!!! Ooooh you are so incredibly kind and sweet to mention me and to leave a comment on the blog. THANK YOU!!! I appreciate it very much.
    I want to say that you have GORGEOUS hair. I absolutely love the curls and I know that you will be such an inspiration for others as they grow out their gray.
    Ah yes, my memories of the old "skunk stripe" are still there. I did the same as you, kind of figured out a 1/2- back style to hide my part and I think it worked lovely! :) A great thing is that once you get past this little "skunk" phase, it gets better and better and more easier. You'll be there soon! And then there are so many wonderful things to come. It's so very nice to meet you Blaire. Thank you again and I can't wait to follow along with your journey! xo

  2. Thank you so much Lauren! It really, really helps to have your blog and your experiences to support me. You gave me the confidence to go for it and I'm following your tips almost to the letter! I will absolutely let you know how I get on and will continue to be an avid fan of yours too! xx
