Welcome Silver Vixens!


I'm Blaire. You can read about what I do for work in my profile. But that's not what I'm writing about here. Well, not really.

This blog is really about my journey towards trying to be me. It's a journey I started 15 years ago when I left my job at the BBC to run my own business. Having been someone who always wanted to fit in, to be liked, to adapt myself to what others expected of me, I've become someone who is less concerned about that. Not completely! I still have plenty of internal chats about not being good enough. But the voice isn't quite as loud these days.

Now I face the moment of truth - should I stop dying my hair? It might sound like a little thing. But when you've had a big mop of black curly hair for your whole life, taking care to colour it frequently whenever roots appear, it's a big step to stop. Well, it feels like it.

Here's my official profile shot so you can see what I mean -

Long, dark and curly. Now try to imagine it silver, or grey, or white. And now try to imagine a great big grey bit sprouting from my head about 4 or 5 inches suddenly turning black below that. This is what is called Grow Out. I just discovered that term today. Grow Out. 

It's the in between time when you aren't one colour. You are two. Like a skunk. It's also called a Skunk Stripe. I've discovered this recently too. Lovely right?

Anyway, if you've already done this please offer your tips. You don't have to be curly although curly hair tips are much appreciated especially, as we curly girls know, curly hair has a mind of its own. If you are embarking in the journey soon or just contemplating, I hope you find this blog useful. I will try to be as honest as possible (that's the point after all), share my successes and failures and point you to other resources I'm finding useful.  

Thanks for visiting and hope you'll hang out with me here as often as you like!

Blaire x

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